
用于推送消息传递的单个区域内的aws sns,sqs和ec2


I am willing to make a simple chat application in django.


After user sends message and the message in saved in Message model I would like to signal the publish event so that my mobile app gets message.


I went throught the SNS documentation and in its pricing I found Data transferred between Amazon SNS and Amazon EC2 within a single region is free of charge (i.e., $0.00 per GB)

我查看了SNS文档,并在其定价中发现,在单个区域内在Amazon SNS和Amazon EC2之间传输的数据是免费的(即每GB 0.00美元)

My api is/will be hosted in ec2 in the same region lets say at Singapore the same region as sns. If I publish a event which I receive a message in my mobile application , will that cost me or it is considered as same region ? If it does than building a chat application using SNS will be very expensive.


If anyone can meke me clear about it that would be so helpful.


Thank you


1 个解决方案



Well I don't think it will be free even if they are in the same region but their prices for SNS are too low, if in free tier of Amazon you won't be charged for


1,000,000 Requests of Amazon Simple Queue Service every month**

每月1,000,000个Amazon Simple Queue服务请求**

1,000,000 Requests, 100,000 HTTP notifications and 1,000 email notifications for Amazon Simple Notification Service every month**

每月1,000,000个请求,100,000个HTTP通知和1,000个针对Amazon Simple Notification Service的电子邮件通知**

as the SNS pricing suggests. Going above the limits will cost you :


It costs $1.00 to send one million mobile push notifications ($0.50 per million publishes, plus $0.50 per million mobile push notification deliveries). When you use SNS topics to broadcast identical messages to many recipients at once.

