I have a large number of projects in my organization that I want to shift the billing account for. The Ruby API has Google::Apis::CloudbillingV1::ProjectBillingInfo which contains an update! method that should let me do this.
我的组织中有大量项目要转移结算帐户。 Ruby API包含Google :: Apis :: CloudbillingV1 :: ProjectBillingInfo,其中包含更新!应该让我这样做的方法。
I'm missing a step though. My code looks like this:
require 'googleauth'
require 'google/apis/cloudbilling_v1'
service = Google::Apis::CloudbillingV1::CloudbillingService.new
service.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'])
FROM_BA = 'billingAccounts/123456'
TO_BA = 'billingAccounts/789012'
puts "Changing billing account on projects:"
service.list_billing_account_projects(FROM_BA).project_billing_info.each do |p|
puts "\t#{p.name} (#{p.project_id}): #{p.billing_account_name} --> #{TO_BA}"
p.update!(billing_account_name: TO_BA)
The loop does find and list all the projects in the FROM_BA
billing account. And I know update!
is being called. But the changes aren't persisted to the projects in the account. I suspect I'm missing a step here. A commit call? I can't seem to find any examples and the docs aren't helpful here.
Anyone know how to persist the update!
changes upstream to the actual projects in the account?
1 个解决方案
You use the update_project_billing_info method on the CloudBillingService
instance to commit the changes to the ProjectBillingInfo
The full snippet, that works, now looks like this:
require 'googleauth'
require 'google/apis/cloudbilling_v1'
service = Google::Apis::CloudbillingV1::CloudbillingService.new
service.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'])
FROM_BA = 'billingAccounts/123456'
TO_BA = 'billingAccounts/789012'
puts "Changing billing account on projects:"
service.list_billing_account_projects(FROM_BA).project_billing_info.each do |p|
project = p.name.split('/')[0..1].join('/')
puts "\t#{project} (#{p.project_id}): #{p.billing_account_name} --> #{TO_BA}"
p.update!(billing_account_name: TO_BA)
service.update_project_billing_info(project, p)
I see the billing info changes propagated to the web UI now.
我现在看到结算信息更改传播到Web UI。