This code takes input of a SoundCloud track URL and loads it in to the widget. Is there anyway of being able to extract and display the genre/tags of this song using the SoundCloud API?
此代码接收SoundCloud轨道URL的输入并将其加载到窗口小部件中。有没有能够使用SoundCloud API提取和显示这首歌的流派/标签?
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<div id="sectionLoad">
<input type="text" id="url" value=""><br>
<div id="gap"></div>
<a id="loadButton" onclick="loadSong();" class="button">LOAD TRACK</a>
<div id="gap2"></div>
<iframe id = "sc-widget" width="80%" height="80%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="" ></iframe>
function loadSong(){
(function() {
var iframe = document.querySelector('#sc-widget');
var widget = SC.Widget(iframe);
var input = document.getElementById("url");
1 个解决方案
the Soundcloud widget has a getter method, getCurrentSound(), that'll return that information for you!
Notice you'll want to call getCurrentSound() only when the widget is done loading a song, otherwise it'll return null. SC already provides a ready event, SC.Widget.Events.READY, that you can bind that to, so after widget.load(input.value);
add this bit:
请注意,只有在窗口小部件加载完歌曲时才会调用getCurrentSound(),否则它将返回null。 SC已经提供了一个就绪事件SC.Widget.Events.READY,你可以将它绑定到,所以在widget.load(input.value)之后;添加这个位:
widget.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, function(){
widget.getCurrentSound(function(currentSound) {
var genre = currentSound.genre;
var tags = currentSound.tag_list;
// add genre and tags to appropriate elements
I made a jsfiddle here where I broke the getCurrentSound call out into a separate function called showSongInfo: