


I'm using a public iCloud database in my app, which works great and is up on the store.


On updating my app to a new version (with Xcode 7 on iOS9) I get a crash on the line :

在将我的应用程序更新为新版本(在iOS9上使用Xcode 7)时,我遇到了崩溃:

CKContainer * container = [CKContainer containerWithIdentifier:@"iCloud.com.identifier"];

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'CKException', reason: 'The application is missing required entitlement com.apple.developer.icloud-services'

This happens ONLY the first launch of the app after updating, and only on iOS9. After that first (update) launch, the app launches and iCloud works as expected.


I can recreate the crash consistently by downloading the current store version of the app, then running the updated app from Xcode 7.

我可以通过下载应用程序的当前商店版本,然后从Xcode 7运行更新的应用程序来一致地重新创建崩溃。

If I do the same steps (download production app, and update) using iOS8, I do not have the same crash.


I'm guessing this is an iOS9 or Xcode 7 bug. Any ideas?

我猜这是一个iOS9或Xcode 7的错误。有任何想法吗?

EDIT : This actually happens on the first launch of the app on iOS9, regardless of whether I'm updating or just first installing.


5 个解决方案



Toggling iCloud didn't work for me. Reinstalling the app didn't work either. The problem seems to happen whenever I have break points enabled. If I turn these off it runs without any problem.




Toggling the iCloud Capability on and off seems to have fixed it.




For me toggling the iCloud capability off/on was the way to fix it, due to after that in the entitlements file a new key is created: "APS Environment" and its value "production" or "deployment".




Changed the name of my app, therefore the entitlements file should have been different. Turning off and back on recreated the required file. Turning off breakpoints made it filter through (strange).




For me, I had Code Signing Entitlements designated for my Test target. So the app would build fine. But the unit tests would just quit no matter what. Clearing out the Code Signing Entitlements field from the Build Settings of the test target fixed the issue. After. Many. Hours.

对我来说,我为我的测试目标指定了代码签名权利。所以该应用程序将建立良好。但无论如何,单元测试都会退出。清除测试目标的Build Settings中的Code Signing Entitlements字段可修复该问题。后。许多。小时。
