I'm new to nodejs and currently I'm working on a Node Web API with mongodb database.
我是nodejs的新手,目前我正在开发一个带有mongodb数据库的Node Web API。
- According to project requirements users should be able to upload their profile pictures and cover photos.
- 根据项目要求,用户应该能够上传他们的个人资料图片和封面照片。
- And There can be billions of user accounts
- 并且可能有数十亿的用户帐户
After doing some research, I have found that "storing images in a file system is better than storing in database"
So now my plan is to save images in a file system. But, - There is a limited number of files can be placed in a one folder (based on OS) - should be able to access files quickly
所以现在我的计划是将图像保存在文件系统中。但是, - 可以在一个文件夹中放置有限数量的文件(基于操作系统) - 应该能够快速访问文件
because of above requirements, In order to store large number of images, We need to have a good folder structure and a naming policy.
Can anyone suggest any good naming algorithm and a folder structure to store billions of profile pics ?
(currently I'm accessing users by object Id's generated by mongodb)
1 个解决方案
You could create a folder for each user (if the OS supports so many folders in one place) and store the user information that isn't stored in the database in there.
The database entry for user should contain an additional entry which is called "data_folder_id" which contains the number of the folder on the filesystem. Or you can name the folders according to the user ID directly.
An example folder structure:
[user_data] // The folder which will contain the data from your all your users
[1] // The data folder from user 1
[profile_photo.png] // Profile photo from user 1
[cover_photo.png] // Cover photo from user 1
If you can't store so many folders in one place you have to split them up in subfolders like:
[user_data] // The folder which will contain the data from all your users
[1-50] // Contains user folders 1 to 50
[1] // The data folder from user 1
[profile_photo.png] // Profile photo from user 1
[cover_photo.png] // Cover photo from user 1