Hi I am trying to use the "IF" Function just like mentioned in cloud formation documentation for RDS DeletionPolicy, but for some reason it says that my function does not return a string.
嗨,我正在尝试使用“IF”函数,就像在RDS DeletionPolicy的云形成文档中提到的那样,但由于某种原因,它说我的函数不返回字符串。
AWS Documentation on conditional statements
here is the condition:
"DeletionPolicy" : { "Fn::If" : [ "CreateProdResources", "Snapshot", "Delete" ]}
And the error is the one in the title:
Template validation error: Template format error: Every DeletionPolicy member must be a string.
Other attempts that didn't work:
With a map:
"RdsDeletionPolicyMap" :{ "production" : { "policy" : "Snapshot" }, "staging" : { "policy" : "Delete" } }
And then:
"DeletionPolicy" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RdsDeletionPolicyMap", {"Ref": "RailsEnvironment"}, "policy" ] }
As well as a Simple "Ref": ...
didn't work as well. I highly suspect this is a bug with cloudformation
1 个解决方案
The issue is that DeletionPolicy must be set to one of three strings. And, though your If check will return one of them, from a systematic perspective, it only knows that it's returning a String - but is not guaranteed to be a valid string (same with your map and parameter checks), and thus it only accepts a string literal and not something that resolves to string.
问题是DeletionPolicy必须设置为三个字符串之一。并且,虽然你的If检查将返回其中一个,从系统的角度来看,它只知道它返回一个String - 但不保证是一个有效的字符串(与你的map和参数检查相同),因此它只接受字符串文字,而不是解析为字符串的东西。
I believe that this limitation has been raised to the AWS Engineering team previously, as it is a nuisance.